The economic approach to public governance by Jean-François Laslier
In this editorial, Jean-François Laslier explores the close links between economics and politics, two disciplines often considered distinct. Through analysis and concrete examples, he shows how economic concepts can inform public governance mechanisms, electoral strategies and citizens’ behaviour. This rational and methodical approach highlights the issues that shape our contemporary political systems. Find out how the economy can help to decipher electoral dynamics and open up new perspectives on public governance issues.
Jean-François Laslier is a researcher at the CNRS, and worked at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, Caltech and Polytechnique before joining the Paris School of Economics. His work is mainly concerned with the theory of collective choices and he teaches the “economic theory of democracy”.
His current research is at the interface of Political Science and Behavioral Economics. They focus on electoral behaviour, addressed by observation (laboratory and field experiments) and theory (social choice theory, game theory).
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