Economics serving society

Conferences and seminars


Lectures 2024-2025

12 November 2024: lecture by John Cochrane (Hoover Institution)

20 June 2024: lecture by Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln (Goethe University Frankfurt)

13-14 June 2024: 1st European Workshop on the Macroeconomic Implications of Migration

16 May 2024: lecture by Fatih Guvenen (University of Minnesota)

21 March 2024: lecture by Kjetil Storesletten (University of Minnesota)

Annual conference 2024

19-20 September 2024: PSE Macro Days 2024

Macroeconomics seminar

The seminar is organized by the Paris School of Economics, with the support of the Banque de France, Cepremap and University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Agenda: check out the next sessions

Salento Macro Meetings

24-25 July 2023 : Salento Macro Meetings 2023

Thematic workshops

23 March 2023: “Workshop on International Macro and Trade

28-29 November 2022: “International Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective Workshop

3 March 2022: “Joint Workshop on Sovereign Debt

25 May 2021: “International Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective Workshop

23 April 2021: “Thematic Workshop on International Macro and Trade

24 November 2020: “Macroeconometrics and Time Series Workshop

Archives: 2010-2023

Annual conferences

16-17 October 2023: PSE Macro Days 2023

15-16 September 2022: PSE Macro Days 2022

16-17 September 2021: PSE Macro Days 2021

17-18 September 2020: PSE Annual Macro Meeting

23-24 September 2019: Annual Conference of the Chair


9 November 2023: lecture by Lucrezia Reichlin (London Business School)

27 March 2023: lecture by John Hassler (IIES, Stockholm University and CEPR)
« Climate and Climate Policy - what we know, don’t know and should do »

23 March 2023: lecture by Richard Baldwin (Graduate Institute, Geneva)
« Globotics and macroeconomics: Globalisation and automation of the service sector »

10 June 2022 : lecture by Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
« Institutional Innovation and Central Bank Independence 2.0 »

9 May 2022 : lecture by Gianluca Violante (Princeton University)
« The Marginal Propensity to Consume in Macroeconomics »

31 March 2022 : lecture by Philip R. Lane (European Central Bank)
« Monetary policy during the pandemic »

3 December 2021 : lecture by Hélène Rey (London Business School)
« The Global Financial Cycle »

28 May 2021 : lecture by Jordi Gali (CREI)
“The New Keynesian Perspective on Economic Fluctuations”

23 April 2021: lecture by Oleg Itskhoki (UCLA)
“Dominant currencies: How firms choose currency invoicing and why it matters”

18 March 2021 : lecture by Ricardo Reis (London School of Economics)
“The Constraint on Public Debt when r<g but g<m”

1 February 2021: Policy Panel The monetary-fiscal policy mix strikes back - which lessons for Europe?

27 November 2020: lecture by Silvana Tenreyro (London School of Economics)
Dominant Currency and the Impact of Monetary Policy

22 October 2020: lecture by Kurt Mitman (Stockholm University)
The Fiscal Multiplier

9 September 2020: lecture by Franck Portier (University College London)
Monetary Policy when the Phillips Curve is Locally Quite Flat

14 May 2020: online lecture [Zoom] by Maurice Obstfeld (University of California, Berkeley)
The case for flexible exchange rates: 50 years after Harry Johnson’s argument

11 December 2019: lecture by Thomas Philippon (Stern School of Business)
The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets

5 November 2019: lecture by Dani Rodrik (Harvard University)
The demand for trade protection: Evidence from surveys of individuals

4 September 2019: lecture by Carmen M. Reinhart (Harvard University)
Topics on External Sovereign Debt

29 April 2019: Roundtable “Twenty years of euro monetary policy

4 December 2018: lecture by Marcel Fratzscher (DIW Berlin)
The Germany Illusion: Between Economic Euphoria and Despair

14 June 2018: lecture by Gianluca Violante (Princeton University) “Microeconomic Heterogeneity and Macroeconomic Shocks

12 June 2018: lecture by Richard Baldwin (Graduate Institute Geneva)
The Great Convergence

5 October 2017: lecture by Francesco Giavazzi (Bocconi University)
The macroeconomic effects of fiscal adjustment plan

3 February 2017: “Monetary Policy When Heterogeneity Matters
Co-organised with the EHESS

8 December 2016: “Helicopter Money: Beyond Myth and Magic
Co-organised with the Cepremap

16 September 2016 : "Conference Rethinking Capital Controls and Capital Flows"

15 September 2016: lecture by Olivier Blanchard (Peterson Institute for International Economics)
“Currency Wars, Coordination, and Capital Controls”

5-6 July 2016: “16th Doctoral Meetings in International Trade and International Finance

28 June 2016: “Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Agents
Co-organised with the NYU and OFCE

2-3 June 2016 : “Sovereign Debt and Risks
Co-organised with the SCOR chair

18 February 2016: lecture by Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton, LSE)
Monetary and Financial Policies for Emerging Markets

9 December 2015: Lecture by Alberto Alesina (Harvard University)

17 June 2015: lecture by Thomas J. Sargent (New York University)
"Fiscal Discrimination in Three Wars"

18 June 2014: lecture by Christina Romer and David Romer (University of Berkeley)
“New Evidence on the Impact of Financial Crises in Advanced Countries”

28 May 2014: lecture by Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
"Recovery from Financial Crises"

30-31 May 2013: “Global Spillovers and Economic Cycle
Co-sponsored by the EABCN, the Pierre Werner Chair Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute and the Banque de France – PSE, École d’Économie de Paris chair.

17 October 2012: lecture by Maurice Obstfeld (University of California, Berkeley)
Rethinking the Euro

9 January 2012: lecture by Sir John Vickers (University of Oxford)
Stability and Competition in UK Banking

28-29 October 2011: “The Financial Crisis: Lessons for International Macroeconomics
Co-organised in collaboration with the American Economic Journal of Macroeconomics, the Banque de France, ECARES and CEPR.

31 May 2011: lecture by Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins University)
Capital Flow Management

2-3 December 2010: “Conference on the Political Economy of Crisis-Induced Reforms
Focus on the financial and economic crisis, reforms (fiscalities, labor market...) and governance. Co-organised with the International Monetary Fund.

28-29 January 2010: 1st conference on “Economic Linkages, Spillovers and the Financial Crisis
This conference brought together leading academics and policy makers working on current global policy issues, including global imbalances, international trade, international business cycles, financial bubbles, and relevant aspects of the financial crisis. Co-organised with the International Monetary Fund.

Macroeconomics seminars
Access the past sessions


14 October 2019: “Macroeconometrics and Time Series Workshop

7 June 2019: Macro-Trade Workshop

16 June 2016: “Forward Guidance: Recent Developments

15 December 2015: “Trade Elasticities”

9 February 2015: “Income Inequality and Macroeconomics
11h Participant Welcome
11h15-12h Inequality and Business Cycles: “Precautionary Savings and Aggregate Demand” (Xavier Ragot, PSE)
12h-12h45 Inequality and Monetary Policy: “Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the Poor? Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy” (Keith Kuester, Bonn)
12h45-13h15 Lunch
13h30-14h15 Inequality and Fiscal Policy: “Public debt and redistribution at the zero lower bound” (Florin Bilbiie,PSE)
14h15-15h Inequality and International Macroeconomics: “Income Inequality and Global Imbalances” (Romain Ranciere, PSE)

8-10 October 2014: "PSE Macro retreat

19-20 June 2014: “Structural Change and Macroeconomic Dynamics
(3rd edition)

2 June 2014: "OTC markets: Recent Advances in Research"
Keynote speech by Darell Duffie (Stanford University).
This one-day workshop aims at bringing together academics, regulators and practitioners in order to highlight current challenges raised by over-the-counter (OTC) markets. Seven research papers were presented on this occasion. Notably, new empirical and theoretical research on the structure of over-the-counter market, the trading behavior of investors and the specificity of asset traded OTC will be discussed. Workshop co-organised with the ANR, the Banque de France and the ESSEC Business School.

13-14 December 2013: “The Economics of Cross-Border Banking
Co-organized by CEPR, Paris School of Economics, Banque de France and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

28 June 2013: Advances in Numerical Methods for Economics